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Link Roundup: 7 Things from This Week on the Classical Internet

This week: cave music, mindfulness tips, some really good dogs, and 19 hallucinatory hours of Erik Satie.

  1. We've talked about Octobass. We love the subcontrabass flute. But it turns out, the largest instrument in the world is... wait for it... a cave:
  2. A reporter from the New York Times went to 19-hour-long performance of Satie's "Vexations," and nearly went insane. 
  3. Two words: basketball symphony.
  4. Turns out, practicing mindfulness can be as easy as joining a choir.
  5. Here's a list of classical composers and musicians and the dogs who love them. For example, Benjamin Britten...
  6. ... Plus one very musical puppy:

  7. And to wrap this list up: the Voyager Golden Record has finally been burned onto actual vinyl.

Thanks for checking out this week's link roundup! Come back next week for more.

Kendall Todd is the Content Manager for GBH Music.