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The Classical Streets of Boston

Who knew that Boston's impressive musical history was paved right into its streets!

I love this city. The people, the history, the landscape, the sports - I love it all. But most of all (and feel free to prepare your "shocked and surprised" face now) I love Boston's music scene. The volume of out-of-this-world music ensembles concentrated in this little city, to say nothing of the conservatories and music schools, is without parallel.

Given my love for the city's music scene, you can imagine my pleasure when, a few months ago, I learned that Boston's great musical legacy was not only present in those ensembles and institutions, but in the very street names themselves. Nearly a dozen streets with classical composer names? I had to see them for myself.



Find Boston's Composer Streets, take a selfie, and suggest some favorite numbers to go with each composer...


1) Mozart Street 


2) Beethoven Street

3) Mahler Road (the only road by the way)


Just shy of the Stonybrook Reservation, off of Washington Street in Roslindale/West Roxbury is "Composer Hill" (t's actually called Metropolitan Hill, but my name is better, I think.). And this is where the real fun began! 

4) Mendelssohn Street

5) Haydn Street

6) Brahms Street

7) Liszt Street

8) Schubert Street

9) Beech Street. Ok not really for this one. I thought perhaps this street at the bottom of "Composer Hill" was honoring New England native, long time Boston resident, and brilliant pioneering composer/pianist Amy Beach. Sadly, they're not spelled the same.

But why not? Here's to BEECH street!


Now it's your turn: get out there & find the composer streets! And when you're there, take a selfie, and tag WCRB on Istagram. Let's get these streets crawling with classical lovers!! Have fun :)

Chris Voss is the former Weekday Afternoon Host and a Producer for CRB.