Gabriel Bouche Caro contemplates the implications of Puerto Rico's "neither here nor there" political status, and what options its people have for the future.
The poetry of Julia de Burgos inspired Tony Solitro's joyous song without words
The rich sounds and imagery that Puerto Rico brings to mind feature heavily in Liliya Ugay's imaginative portrait of a place she has never visited.
Inspired by a "Bomba protest" of George Floyd's murder, J.J. Peña-Aguayo explores the connections between music and social justice.
Omar Surillo combines memories of his childhood in Puerto Rico with the musical influence of Olivier Messiaen.
Johanny Navarro translates the traditional Afro-Caribbean rhythms of Puerto Rico into a new musical context, honoring the past without being bound by it.
Christian Quiñones asked his mother to write something that he could use as an inspiration. What she gave him was an insight into the mind of a new mother.