Friday, October 14th is National Dessert Day. I thought this merited further investigation. Took one for the team, as it were. Someone had to do it. My no-spoon-unturned investigation found that October is also National Desserts Month---a time when we simply must give these "grand finales" the due they deserve. With that in mind, here are some sweet musical suggestions to chew on.
Louis Moreau Gottschalk's "Cakewalk:"
Saint-Saens "Wedding Cake:"
Tchaikovsky's "Enchanted Palace of Sweets" from The Nutcracker ballet:
And, cherry on the sundae, if you will, Kurt Weill's "Ice Cream Sextet:"
Do your duty, take in all the sweet goodies you can to celebrate this auspicious month!
(By the way, sweets fans, Halloween in on the way....)