A.J. Croce — Ooh Child
Laura Carlo
I'm obsessed with this CD. By "obsessed" I mean I've played every track a gajillion times and have recommended it to all my friends. A.J. Croce's newest album, By Request, was just released in February. The piano man, son of the late singer Jim Croce, and his band cover hit songs from the past that he says he himself loved and would throw into his live sets just to see if others liked them as much as he does. They did. Sometimes I hit "repeat" to hear Croce's raspy voice rendition of "Ooh Child" (originally by The Five Stairsteps), The Beach Boys' "Sail On Sailor" or Billy Preston's "Nothing from Nothing." If you're not comfortable heading into a smoky intimate piano bar right now...this album will take you there safely.
Clipper Erickson — Dett: In the Bottoms: IV. Barcarolle. Morning
Rani Schloss
Shimmering, hopeful, bright, and evocative of a day just beginning, full of possibility, R. Nathaniel Dett’s “Barcarolle. Morning” from his “In the Bottoms” suite takes my breath away every time I hear it. You might recognize it if you’ve been listening a lot lately; we’re using part of it in one of our Summer “image” spots, which air once every couple of hours. Searching for music we can use for these spots forces me to listen differently, and I’m so grateful for that.
Hank Williams and The Drifting Cowboys — Your Cheatin' Heart
Chris Voss
I don't know if it's the heat or what but I have been CRAVING some ol'-timey country these last few weeks. And who better than the great Hank Williams to satisfy that craving?
Ivan Moravec — Chopin: Nocturne in F Major, Op. 15 No. 2
Colin Brumley
How people use music has always fascinated me. Over the last year we’ve gotten so many wonderful messages from all of you saying that our music has allowed a tranquility among the chaos. But hey, we CRB staffers also need some tunes to stay centered. My go-to is Chopin’s Nocturnes – my favorite being the performance by Ivan Moravec. If you’re feeling dramatic, try the 20th, too.
Neon Indian — News From The Sun (live bootleg)
James Bennett, II
Maybe it’s because Summer is kind of here, maybe it’s because it's time for bold short shorts, maybe it’s because I want nothing more than to recreate Summer of 2011 in all its aesthetic glory, or maybe it’s Maybelline — but "News from the Sun" has secured a place on my Summer Soundtrack. It pulls triple duty as the track you’d hear at either a dive bar’s tiny live music stage, a roller disco, or a pool party. I’m known in some circles as a “Summer hater,” and it baffles me how much I love this song that sounds like the season.
The Chicks — Ready to Run
Kendall Todd
As a long-time listener of the podcast You're Wrong About, I was thrilled when, a month or so ago, the hosts dedicated an episode to understanding why America turned on The Chicks (formerly known as The Dixie Chicks) during the Iraq War. I listened to The Chicks a lot when I was a kid — when I started learning the violin, my parents bought a bunch of albums as part of a campaign to show me women violinists in a variety of genres. Anyway, after I heard that episode of You're Wrong About, I was so excited to rediscover my old favorite songs, and this one did not disappoint. Surprisingly, I still remember all of the words.
Listen to the full playlist: