Role Model — Look At That Woman
Noor Jehan Ansari
The country revival is indeed in full swing! I've been doing a lot of driving recently, and this song accompanies me as I make my way through the snow-covered forests that line the roads of my hometown every evening. Role Model blends his usual bedroom-pop style with acoustics that tug at the heartstrings and make you feel young and old at the same time. Might be the song that gets you through the rest of winter.
Caroline Polachek — Door
Edyn-Mae Stevenson
I love when Caroline Polachek says, "Back in the city, I'm just another girl in a sweater." Because I am back in the city, and I really am just another girl in a sweater. She gets me.
Jacob Reiner, The Brabant Ensemble, Stephen Rice — Veni Creator Spiritus
Laura Carlo
Since I often feel like a cloistered monk January into February, I thought it fitting to give a listen to a new recording by the Brabant Ensemble. A Monk's Life is heavenly voices singing ethereal works by lesser-known German composers. This album brings peace, lifts your spirits, and makes your winter solitude OK.
Ryan Beatty — White Teeth
Julia Marcus
How can one choose between songs to share when there's been so much great music lately?? Right now, I land on Ryan Beatty's "White Teeth." The first line takes me down: "I'm not your brother / I can't take care of you / I purchase furniture in place of you."
OK Go — Needing/Getting
Katie Ladrigan
As a long-time fan of OK Go, I eagerly anticipate any new music they put out, as I know a fantastical music video will soon follow. A new one just dropped, which reminded me of my absolute favorite of theirs, "Needing/Getting." Lemme give it to you by the numbers:
- 3 days of stunt-driving training;
- 55 pianos;
- 288 guitars;
- 21 mics on 1 Chevy Sonic; and
- over 1000 other objects
all combined to deliver one of the best (the only?) stunt-driving-driven rock songs in history. The actual recording is... well, it's fine. But the video audio... she is SUBLIME! You hear the car, the different speeds (16.5 to 42 mph, depending on the section of the song and stunt course), the arrangement is a little more raw (as are the vocals, for obvious stunt-driving race-course reasons) — the adrenaline comes through brilliantly. Rev up your engines and have a listen (and a watch!) — though as the band states before driving off into the sunset, don't try the driving portion of this at home!
The Maxwell Quartet — The Beauty of the North/Miss Dumbreck
Brian McCreath
I think I speak for just about everyone on our team when I say that we’re big fans of the Danish String Quartet. They’re an incredible ensemble, but more than that, they bring the folk music of their home country to life in fascinating, addictive ways. Now, allow me to introduce you to their Scottish counterparts, the Maxwell Quartet, who also have a knack for a similar channeling of the ancient music of their homeland. Their interpretations of bedrock quartet works, especially by Haydn, are also exquisite. From a 2019 release that brings those two worlds together, here’s one of my favorites:
Édith Piaf — Non, je ne regrette rien
Greg Ferrisi
My daughter and wife are heading out to London and Paris with a school group this year, and they’ve been trying to learn a bit of French before they take off, so I’ve been “helping” them by blasting Édith Piaf every chance I get. Homework time? "La Vie en Rose." Getting up for school? "Non, Je ne regrette rien." I don’t know if it’s helping them, but I’m sure getting a kick out of it!
Darlingside — Best of the Best of Times
Kendall Todd
Despite its apocalyptic lyrics, this track by Darlingside is hopeful and propulsive. “It’s a long way from the best of times,” it says, but there’s also something beautiful about that journey towards brighter days.
Rock out to this month's picks below, or listen to the full Instant Replay playlist here.