Sunday, February 7, 2021
7:00 PM
On WCRB In Concert with Mistral, baritone Justin Austin sings songs and spirituals by Harry Burleigh in a program that also includes Dvorák's "American" Quintet and music by William Grant Still.
Justin Austin, baritone
On the program:
William Grant STILL Excerpt from Suite for violin and piano
STILL Danzas de Panama
Harry BURLEIGH My Lord What a Morning
BURLEIGH I Don't Feel No-Ways Tired
BURLEIGH Oh, Didn't it Rain
BURLEIGH O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me
Antonín DVORÁK, arr. Scolnik "American" String Quintet, arr. for flute and strings
Recorded on November 8, 2020
This concert is no longer available on demand.