For centuries, composers have paid tribute to St. Cecilia, remembered on November 22nd, leading to a fascinating tapestry of musical expression.
“The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.” - Douglas Wood (author, illustrator, naturalist)
"Things that go bump in the night" will be the least of your concerns once our Halloween playlist unfolds. Read on...if...you...dare...
Sunday, February 10, 20197:00 PMOn the program:GOUNOD Le Médecin malgré luiStephen Salters: SganarellePiotr Buszewski: LeandreTascha Anderson:…
WCRB's CD of the Week is Guitarist Thibaut Garcia’s new recording, which dips into the vast palette of colors that he’s known for, this time applying them…
Temptation and morality go head-to-head this week, as WCRB celebrate's Charles Gounod's 199th birthday with his opera Faust, starring baritone José Van…